How to cut a 5mm rubber sheet

thick rubber pads

In the process of exploring how to cut 5mm thick rubber sheets, we will encounter many problems and challenges. But don’t worry! This article will provide you with a detailed explanation of various possible methods and tools to help you find the most suitable solution for you.

For 5mm thick rubber sheets, the method and tool selection is even more important. We can choose the following methods: water cutting, laser cutting, and knife cutting.
1. Water Cutting
With high-pressure water capable of cutting steel plates, rubber sheets are no problem. Using a water cutting machine, we can precisely cut the shape and size we need, and the cutting surface is smooth, requiring no further processing.

5mm rubber sheet
2. Laser Cutting
Laser cutting has higher precision and can cut very detailed patterns. However, it is important to note that laser cutting may produce unpleasant odors, which we can purify by using water. The odorous gas can be sucked through a fan and blown into a purification water pipe before returning to the atmosphere.

3. Knife Cutting
For small cutting tasks, we can also use a sharp knife for cutting. However, this requires the operator to have certain skills and experience.

In addition, when cutting rubber boards with high rubber content, if we require a neat and smooth cutting edge, we can also choose to use alloy tool steel as the cutting tool material. The tool should be made as thin as possible, and the cutting angle should be controlled at 30° or less. The grinding work must be good, the blade should be smooth as a mirror surface, and the hardness should be sufficient. It should be durable if the hardness is sufficient.

No matter which cutting method we choose, we should pay attention to safety and ensure the quality and efficiency of the cutting.