The Production Process of Butyl Rubber

Butyl rubber is a high-quality rubber that is resistant to high temperatures and widely used in various places.What is the production process of butyl rubber?
1.Tandem Polymerization of 1,3-Butadiene
First,1,3-butadiene is polymerized in tandem,then grafted onto a branched chain to form a polybutadiene rubber with a polymerization degree distribution law.This method can obtain butyl rubber with a large molecular weight,a wide molecular weight distribution,and multiple branches.
2.Tunnel Polymerization Method
1,3-butadiene and the catalyst are sent into the tunnel reaction chamber for polymerization reaction to form a suspension,and then further processed.This method can obtain butyl rubber with a narrow molecular weight distribution and uniform particle size.
Characteristics of Butyl Rubber
Resistant to high temperatures,aging,ozone,and chemicals,butyl rubber is widely used in the manufacture of automotive interior pipes,seals,and valves.