What is the weight of 8mm rubber sheet per square meter?

8mm rubber sheet

In our daily lives, we often encounter various material-related issues, including the density of rubber sheets. So, do you know the weight of 8mm thick rubber sheet per square meter? Today, we will explore this question.


1. Basic properties of rubber sheet

As the name suggests, rubber sheet is made of rubber. It has excellent elasticity, waterproofness, and wear resistance, so it is widely used in various fields of industry and daily life. For example, it can be seen in sports fields, vehicle undercarriages, and building sound insulation.

8mm rubber sheet

2.8mm thick rubber sheet per square meter weight

The specific gravity of rubber sheet is generally between 1.5 and 1.8g/cm3, and if we assume 1.8, the weight of 8mm thick rubber sheet per square meter is 14.4kg. This value is only an approximate estimate, and the actual weight may differ due to factors such as the type of rubber and additives.