橡胶垫,在工业和日常生活中经常被忽视的小而重要的物品,serves to mitigate the hard impact between machinery and structures.So,what is the appropriate thickness for rubber mat?Let’s delve into this question and find the best answer.
I.What is the thickness of rubber mat?
The thickness of common rubber mats in daily life ranges from 2 to 20mm.The selection of rubber mat thickness requires a comprehensive consideration of multiple factors.If the rubber mat is used for simple purposes such as household protection or decoration,a thickness of less than 3mm is sufficient.
橡胶垫的应用范围很广,from shock absorption to anti-slip,from sealing to electrical insulation,they can play an important role.
In heavy industry,such as in punch presses,forging machines,and other mechanical equipment with significant vibration,橡胶垫可以有效减少运行过程中产生的振动,保护设备的稳定性和操作人员的舒适度。在一些需要防静电或绝缘的场所,例如配电室,选择具有正确厚度和额定电压的橡胶垫尤为重要.
Jingdong Rubber Co., 有限公司. 是一家专业的橡胶板生产厂家, 生产硅橡胶板, 天然橡胶板, 氟橡胶板, 氯丁橡胶板, 绝缘橡胶板,三元乙丙橡胶板, 耐油橡胶板, 防静电橡胶板, 阻燃橡胶板, 导电橡胶板, 防滑橡胶板, 和牛棚垫, ETC. 与几乎 40 多年行业经验, 畅销国内外. 如果您需要我们的任何产品,请发送电子邮件至 sales@jingdongrubber.com.