


同时,改善生产过程也很重要。例如,using cold pressing technology instead of traditional high-temperature vulcanization method can not only reduce odor generation but also save energy.

What if the product has already developed an odor?Don’t worry,there are remedial measures.

One effective method is to place the rubber sheet in a well-ventilated place to allow the odor to dissipate naturally.In addition,professional deodorizers can be used for treatment.There are deodorizers specifically for rubber products on the market,which can be used according to the instructions.

Remind everyone to choose reputable manufacturers when purchasing acid-resistant and alkali-resistant rubber sheets,并咨询是否采取了上述措施来减少产品的气味。您只能购买高质量的产品,但是您也可以享受更好的使用体验.


Jingdong Rubber Co., 有限公司. 是一家专业的橡胶板生产厂家, 生产 硅橡胶板, 天然橡胶板, 氟橡胶板, 氯丁橡胶板, 绝缘橡胶板,三元乙丙橡胶板, 耐油橡胶板, 防静电橡胶板, 阻燃橡胶板, 导电橡胶板, 防滑橡胶板, 和牛棚垫, ETC. 与几乎 40 多年行业经验, 畅销国内外. 如果您需要我们的任何产品,请发送电子邮件至 sales@jingdongrubber.com.